Types of Transport
Adopting the best that has been done before us, learning from the mistakes of others, we create the most efficient, safe and reliable transport system of all that ever existed.
Speed: up to 500km/h
Performance: more than 500.000 passengers/day
Maximum gradient: 20%
Speed: up to 150km/h
Performance: more than 25.000 passengers/day
Maximum gradient: 45%
Speed: up to 150km/h (suspended), up to 500km/h
Performance: more than 200 mlm tons/year
Maximum gradient: 60%
Advantages of technology
Advantages of skyway technology are based on experience and achievements of entire humanity in the sphere of road construction and vehicle creation. adopting the best what was created before us, learning from the mistakes of others, we are creating the safest, the most cost-efficient and reliable transport system of all that have ever existed.
Comparison with other types of transport
Comparison with magnetic levitation train
Prospects in the world
Unibikes (propelled by muscular power of a passenger)
Constituents of Technology
Innovative character of skyway technology is due to an original and effective combination of widely known engineering and technological solutions. Each separate component of skyway transport system is not something unique - it is the character of component connection into the system that ensures its unprecedented design and operational features.
Types of rails (flexible, semirigid, rigid)
Rail structure
Beam overpass (comparison with conventional bridge)
Passenger unibus configuration
Wheels (comparison with conventional ones)
Control systems (gps, gprs, wifi, glonass, etc.)