How To Increase Productivity In Your Business
by Dave Brahimi
Owning your own home business can be rewarding but challenging - especially if you have a job and a family! Here are some easy, and quick tips to increase productivity in your business.
Wake Up Early
Waking up early simply means waking up earlier than YOU usually get up! It doesn't have to mean getting up at 4 in the morning. Set your alarm for at least an hour before you normally rise. Use this time to set your day into motion. Meditate, get some very light exercise (don't go to the gym during this hour), check your calendar, write down your daily goals and plan your day. Doing these activities will put you in a mindset to be more motivated - and you're more likely to make every minute count. This will increase productivity for sure!
Plan Your Time With A Calendar
Organization is key! The busier you are, the more organized you need to be. Put everything you need to do in your calendar, and live by it. This will take some getting used to getting in this habit if you don't already do this. Plan EVERYTHING - including your leisure time. Place reminders in your calendar (when bills are due, for example) so that you don't miss important deadlines. The more organized, the more efficient. Efficiency will increase productivity in a huge way!
Complete Your DMO
DMO stands for Daily Method Of Operations. These are income producing tasks that you need to complete every day - so you don't have to think about what it is you need to do; wasting your time. What should you be doing? Every day you should be building your audience, engaging your audience and selling to your audience. Network, talk to people and sell. Include follow up phone calls, promotion, and creating/modifying ads (free or paid). Include creation of some content. Some tasks you won't do every day - it may be several times a week or month. Those items belong in your calendar. Doing activities that focus on making sales? That will definitely increase productivity - the more money you make, the more you can leverage. It's exponential.
Segment Tasks Throughout The Day
Your DMO can be segmented throughout the day. Promote valuable content in short, 5 minute segments using your phone while waiting online at the store. You can fit a lot of promotion in little 5 minute segments throughout the day! Waiting for your child to get out of school? Promote. In a waiting room? Promote. Going to the bathroom? Promote (seriously). Get into this habit. You'll be amazed at hoe much you fit in.
Create Content
Create valuable content. Create Facebook Lives, YouTube Videos, blog posts, tweets, Facebook posts. You can create the content in bunches or stretch it out during the week. By doing this, you are creating artifacts that will live on the internet and keep promoting for you even in years to come. This is especially true for blog posts and videos. With your content, put in a call to action - tell your reader/listener what you want them to do. You don't always have to sell. You could ask them to subscribe, share, or like a post. You could include free content that requires them to click on a link and enter their email address to receive it. We can cover exactly what kinds and how to create content later - the point is that by doing so, you are being extremely productive and efficient with your time. It is worth the effort.
Educate Yourself
Always set aside some time to learn something new. The more you practice a new skill, the better you get at it and the quicker you can complete tasks. You may learn how to automate something that you are doing manually - saving you tons of time! Or you may learn how to leverage a particular tool or way of doing a task that will increase the benefits of doing that task exponentially! Always work on improving your skills. They will definitely help you save time, money and become way more efficient and successful.
When you are just starting your home business, it can seem intimidating you may be overwhelmed. If you take the advice above and start small and work your way adding new skills and tasks, you can't help but improve and the results will show!I've got a great training that teaches you where you can find 50 leads for your business. Do these things, and you'll have more leads that you can handle! I'm not sure how long it will be available for free, so click here and take the training now!
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*Please note that I am not guaranteeing that anyone gets a profit, gain, or significant income. See my income disclaimer. Your efforts and results will vary. Is it possible? Yes. But it is NOT guaranteed!